What is Markdown?
Markdown is a markup language.
We use markdown to write content for any web application. It is very simple to use. We just have to write the content in the form of plaintext and include few wild card characters to control the display of our content. It doesn’t do anything fancy like change the font size, color, or type.
Now let us get into how to actually use Markdown to edit the content ...
How to use Markdown?
Rather than writing the plain text ,we have to make our content to appear more effective and eye catching. For that we have to make the content more visible, for example we have to make some content italic or bold and then add headings to the content or add images, links, buttons, etc.
Let us learn about them one by one by looking at the code snippets.
For heading we can use (#) symbol. As we increase the order of ( # symbols ) they act sub heading for the previously marked heading.
# Heading 1(Main Heading)
## Heading 2(This is Sub heading for heading1)
### Heading 3(This is Sub Heading for heading 2)
# Paragraph
Nothing much to use for writing a Para, we just have to simply start writing it as a plain text which represents a para.
In this code snippet there is a heading followed by a Paragraph.
We can make the text bold or italic. Sometimes the text can be a combination of these two.
We just have to use the **DOUBLE ASTERISK** to make the text **BOLD.**
# **ITALIC**
We just have to use *single asterisk* to make the text _italic_.
- Here we can see that we have also used underscore to make the text italic, as this also works.
***This is so simple ***
This is so simple
There are two types of lists :Ordered lists and unordered lists.
# **LIST**
1. List-Item 1
2. List-Item 2
5. List-Item 3
Here we can see that even if we give the wrong order of sequence(as 1,2 & 5), the output will always give the ordered lists.
# **LIST**
- List Item 1
- List Item 2
- List Item 3 (This is nested list item)
SYNTAX: ![Image Name](Address of the image)
Link Syntax: Name
# **LINKS**
We can add a link just by copy-pasting the link inside the parenthesis.
> This is a Block Quote. It stands out from rest of the content by just adding a rectangular block adjacent to the text.
Using (>) this symbol can turn the text into a Blockquote.
These are the basics of Markdown which we use on regular basis. There are many “extended” implementations of Markdown that support formats like tables, definition lists, footnotes, and many other as well.
Thank you for reading this article. Hope this added value for your time.